ASAMI Malaysia is the official International body dedicated to limb lengthening and deformity correction. ASAMI Malaysia aim is to give a platform to Malaysian Orthopaedic surgeons to learn the principles and latest advances in limb lengthening and deformity correction.
Message from President
The field of limb reconstruction deals with correction of deformities resulting from injury or congenital disorder. Now, many children with limb deformities can be corrected during surgery or gradually by using an external fixation device. In the field of trauma, it is now possible to salvage a severely injured limb using the external fixation device. Complications such as infection and problems with bone healing can also be treated successfully with the external fixation device. We also work closely with plastic surgeon, anaesthetist and infectious disease physician to ensure successful treatment for our patient. With the development of the new external fixation device, the technique of surgery and bone graft substitute, the outcome of treatment for limb reconstruction has improve with less complication.
Message from Immediate Past President
It is with great pleasure that we launch ASAMI Malaysia website. As the specialty of orthopaedic grows in the region , our society comes in to strengthen the knowledge and relationship amongst all surgeons, physicians; nurses ot paramedics. We also aim to play a leading role in the advancement of this unique field in the region.
ASAMI innovative website will feature outstanding sections sharing cutting edge knowledge on a variety of topics in orthopaedic, updating you on ASAMI activities and future events. Furthermore, it will give you the chance to register in various workshops; outreach programs and trips lead by ASAMI. Your support and participation is an integral part of the exciting rapid growth of our emergency community so please make this website another ASAMI success!